The Beginner's Wok

The Mei is designed to make anything cooked in it taste good.



Handmade iron woks from ZhangQiu (章丘) are hammered 36,000 times before they are commissioned.


A Versatile Cooking Vessel

You can improve the taste of dishes from any cuisine by cooking them in a wok instead of a pan.

The News

The best moist chiffon recipeAsian SweetsBakesBreakfastCakesChiffon
April 30, 2024

The Moist Pandan Chiffon Cake

The best moist chiffon recipe I must have made the pandan chiffon at least a thousand times over my lifetime. It is always a favorite for breakfast, and everyone seems…
April 10, 2024

The Banana Bread

We always have bananas in the house. Every once in a while, there will be over ripe bananas. They are like with lots of black spots and I will then…
April 10, 2024

My best double chocolate chip cookies

These are so good and so fast to bake, I had to document it. I sort of improvised and got this, and it works perfectly. This recipe can be for…
March 31, 2024

Hot Cross Bun Pudding

What's better than hot cross buns? It has got to be hot cross bun pudding! My mom used to make bread puddings for us. That's one dish she remembers from…
Why we designed a wok

Always buy the most durable wok and then the more you use it, the better it becomes. Chinese call it 养锅。

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2000 Years of History in Handmaking Iron Woks

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