Ānyí Lee
Course Dessert


Feuilletée rapide

  • 250 g bread flour (AP flour ok)
  • 5 g Unsalted Butterg
  • 125 mL water, cold
  • 200 g unsalted butter, dice


  • 173 g white sugar
  • 39 g unsalted butter
  • 1 piece lemon zest (peel a strip lengthwise with peeler)
  • 1 piece orange zest (peel a strip lengthwise with peeler)
  • 6 g vanilla


  • Mix gently just until it comes together. Roll into very long rectangle about 8" wide, fold into thirds. Wrap, chill 30min.
  • Roll out again, fold bottom third up and top two thirds down, then fold in half. This is called a full turn. Chill ~30-40min. Repeat twice for three full turns total.
  • After your final chill, roll it out and fold into even thirds. Chill until needed. You can also make this ahead, and freeze it.
  • (I recommending peeling/coring and cutting your apples first… I just did 1/8 wedges)Make a medium caramel with the sugar.
  • When it's a little lighter than you want, remove from heat immediately and whisk in everything else. Please be careful, hot sugar can and will burn on contact with skin.
  • When it's homogenous, remove citrus zest peelings and arrange your apple slices in the caramel. Roll out your feuilletèe, cut an appropriately sized circle, and tuck it over your apples.
  • Bake at 400F until it goes extremely golden and delicious looking, maybe around 1-1.5hrs. Your puff pastry should be super golden brown and wonderfully flaky, darker than the colour of my photo! …I got excited by ~layers~ and didn't a picture after it,,
  • Don't wait too long to flip it out, or it'll stick. Be careful when flipping it out, wok is heavy and also extremely hot.Best served warm, with a scoop of ice cream melting gloriously into your caramelised apples.
Keyword Mei Wok
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