I am not sure how this cake come about. Some people said it was invented in Malaysia and the kanji is 相思. But this should read soshi and not ogura. “Ogura” should be 小倉 which means storehouse and generally a surname in Japan.

So, I am confused.

Nevertheless, I did some research on this cake just to check it out, and to know why the fuss.12295379_10208157496485276_2881976923614853438_n

Firstly, it is a cake that has so much egg, the best description is that it is like eating sweetened and flavoured egg fluff. Is it delicious? Yes, if you are a sponge-cake-soft-soft cake lover, like my children and my husband. The flour content is so small, it can easily be changed into a gluten-free cake with a bit of a tweak.

For me, it is way too insubstantial. I like hearty loaves, with rougher texture.

Is it difficult to bake? I think it is as easy as any sponge cake. Just that it is baked over a bain marie. That’s about it.

Ogura Cake



  • 6 egg whites
  • 75 g Raw Caster Sugar or caster sugar
  • A Squeeze of lemon juice

Egg yolk batter

  • 2 eggs
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 80 g butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • 80 g plain flour + 20g corn flour sifted twice
  • 100 ml Milk


  • Preheat oven to 160C.

Egg Yolk Batter

  • Melt butter and then add in the flour, vanilla essence, milk, eggs and egg yolks in that order.
  • Mix till smooth.


  • Over a bain marie, beat the egg whites until frothy, add in the lemon juice.
  • Add the sugar into this gradually and beat till firm but not yet stiff peak.


  • Mix 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk batter to thicken it. Then add the rest of the meringue till incorporated.
  • The pan I used was 20cm round. It is a pretty tall cake.


  • Put a rack above a pan of hot water. The cake should stand about 1/4 way above the floor of the oven.
  • Bake at 150C for 50 minutes.


  • When baked, turn the cake upside down for 5 minutes.
  • Remove the liner and serve.


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