I just came across this when a Facebook friend told me about it. So I went ahead and baked a small batch for the kids’ breakfast. They are really nice. I will make them again in a few weeks. So here’s my own version of this Korean street food. I think I have ‘westernized’ the taste a little, making the flavour a bit bigger.  12871486_10209078866798958_2886004962313531630_n

Korean Egg Bread (Gyeran bbang)



  • 3/4 cup milk + 2 Tbsp vinegar or 3/4 buttermilk
  • 1 egg
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1/2 tsp chicken powder/bullion
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 2 Tbsp melted butter or any oil


  • 6 eggs very small, max size of 50g, if you can't get small eggs, use egg yolks only, if making loaf, 4 is sufficient
  • 2 slices of bacon
  • A handful of cheese you like
  • Chopped chives parsley, green onions, thyme... any combination, any green herb you fancy
  • 3 Tbsp parmesan cheese


  • Preheat oven at 205C.


  • Combine the dry ingredients and the wet ingredients and mix till just combined.


  • Completely oil the muffin tins. This recipe makes 6 muffins.
  • Scoop 3 Tbsp of batter into each muffin cup.
  • Crack an egg into each (or egg yolk only) cup.
  • Sprinkle the bacon and cheese filings if using.
  • Fill the muffin cup with more batter to 2/3 full.
  • Top each muffin with more chives or green herb toppings and 1/2 Tbsp parmesan cheese.
  • Bake on a medium to high shelf for 18-20 minutes or when it is golden brown and fluffy.
  • Serve warm.


  • To make loaves, just pour half the batter into a loaf tin, crack large eggs (70 to 80g) into the loaf tin and then top it with the rest of the batter. Do the same topping and bake on a middle shelf in the oven at 200C.

You can also make them into loaves. Like this: 11967_10209126138980733_6608104262216473171_n12717981_10209126139820754_4728743586450221737_n12400988_10209126139380743_7760763991411416550_n12670747_10209126139620749_6366507855486035552_n

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