Curry Buns



  • 1 recipe from Tangzhong bun


  • 3 large potatoes diced to 1/2 cm cubes
  • 1 large chicken breast or thigh meat diced to 1/2cm cubes
  • 2 Tbsp cooking oil

Curry Paste

  • 1 large onion cut into 1cm pieces
  • 4 cloves of garlic roughly chopped
  • 1 tsp ground coriander seeds
  • 1 tsp ground cumin seeds
  • 1 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 tsp curry powder
  • 1 tsp belachan
  • 3 buah keras
  • 5 large red chilies reconstituted (soaked in hot water for 15 minutes or more)
  • 2 small chili padi
  • 2 tsp oil


  • Make the bread dough, and while it is proofing, make the filings.


  • Gind all the ingredients of the curry paste together into a a fine paste.
  • In a medium heat pan, heat up the cooking oil, and then add the curry paste and fry at medium heat for 5 minutes. Do not let it burn.
  • Add the potatoes and cook until soft.
  • Add the chicken and stir through, until the chicken changes color.
  • Season with salt and pepper and soya sauce.
  • Put the filings in the freezer to cool it for easier handling.

Shaping the dough

  • Weigh the dough out to 30g(small buns) or 60g(regular commercial buns) each.
  • Place 1 Tbsp or 2 Tbsp of filings into each bun. Roll them into spheres.
  • Bake at 200C for 13 minutes or until 2/3 of the bottom of the buns are golden brown in color.
  • Remove from the oven and dust some curry powder.
  • When the buns are at room temperature, it is important to store them into air tight containers.
I woke up early to make lots of curry filings for the curry buns that  my son asked for. Already mixed the dough and done 2 proofs using the tangzhong method yesterday. I am now left with lots of filings, which I will use to make curry puffs later.

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